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Understanding the Green Claims Directive

Take the first step to better understand the implications of the Green Claims Directive for the travel industry. With this eBook you'll gain a deeper understanding of:

Understanding the Green Claims Directive eBook

After reading this eBook you'll:

Understand the need for the Green Claims Directive

Grasp why the EU aims to ban greenwashing

Recognise misleading sustainability claims in travel

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The future of communicating sustainability in travel

“The European Commission reported that in 2020, 53% of the environmental claims they examined were misleading, unfounded or vague.”

To address this, the Green Claims Directive was proposed. These new regulations will greatly affect how travel businesses and destinations can communicate their sustainability efforts.

Our eBook simplifies the information provided by the European Union and helps you take the first steps towards the future of communicating sustainability in travel.

Trusted by top travel organisations

Download your free eBook here

Take the first step to prepare for the future of communicating sustainability in travel by downloading our eBook.

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